Monday, October 25, 2010

ExPeRiEnCe Is ThE BeSt TeAcHeR !!!

I Know that

I came alone and have to go alone;

I experienced that

People are with you only when they need you,

I learned that

extra care of anyone by you will not appreciate by others,

I think that

A simple lie of your close one can break you more than anything.

So, the things which I ultimately learned that,

Help people,

Bear their indifferences,

Wait things to get normal but










Not the point of your dignity..........

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Life Change For The Better

I remember the days
when my mind used to be
overrun with emotions and thoughts
of all things good and the worst

As time passed
with each new day,
I look forward;

with a glass of water in hand,
I sit back and think about the past years,
smiling at the change that has taken over me
and the life @ MANAGE now;

walk down the memory lane,
fearless of the future,
eventually, with eyes wide open,
I have come to understand, that

Life Change For The Better...........